Why are surveys a good research method and when to use them?

Survey research methods are used for everything from distinguishing a target market to ensuring employees feel they are part of a positive work environment.

In this article, we explore why surveys are a good research method, when to use them, and how to utilize them to serve business goals.

Survey research methods are popular for several reasons—though we will only be able to cover only a few of those. If you’re considering using them to your advantage, it’s important to determine when to use survey methods in research—as well as how.

When is survey research the best method available? That is the question we’ll explore.

When is survey research the best method available?

Survey research is a quantitative method in which researchers ask questions to a group of people in order to gain their feedback about a certain topic. A set of predetermined questions are asked of an entire group of people (or a sample of that group).

There are a lot of different types of survey methods. Each has its advantages. The main types are online surveys, mail surveys, telephone surveys, and personal interviews.

Online survey research is one of the most popular. Its main advantages are its low cost and flexibility. Online surveys are easy to create and generate a large amount of data.

For what topics would surveys be the best research method?

Surveys can be an effective research method for a variety of topics, particularly those involving the measurement of attitudes, opinions, and behaviors by individuals or groups. Some examples of topics that are well-suited for surveys include:

  • Customer satisfaction: Surveys can be used to gather feedback from customers about their experience with a product or service.
  • Public sector and social issues: Surveys can be used to measure public opinion on political issues, candidates, and policies. They can also be used to measure attitudes and opinions regarding social issues such as racism, gender equality, and the environment.
  • Market research: Surveys can be used to gather data on consumer preferences, purchasing behavior, and market trends.
  • Employee feedback: Surveys can be used to gather feedback from employees about job satisfaction, work conditions, and company culture.
  • Health and wellness: Surveys can be used to gather data on health behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs regarding topics such as smoking, exercise, and diet.
  • Educational research: Surveys can be used to gather data on student attitudes, learning styles, and academic achievement.

A versatile research method, surveys can be used to gather data on a wide range of topics. However, it’s important to design them carefully and use appropriate sampling methods to ensure the results are valid and reliable.

When to use a survey method in research?

Although online surveys have multiple uses other than conducting research, there are several circumstances in which regularly using them to collect insight is wise. If you’re wondering when to use a survey, one of the first questions is to determine if survey research is the right method if gaining insights into any of the following topics is the goal:

Market research

One of the most common uses of online surveys, this is a crucial step in launching a successful business, maintaining an already successful one, or determining the success of a new product. Companies use market research to better understand their audience’s needs and preferences and to make important business decisions.

Employee satisfaction

On the other side of the business, companies use online surveys to better understand their workers. An employee satisfaction survey provides the necessary insights to improve workplace satisfaction and retention rates.

Exit interview

Although proper survey research methods can help improve a workplace, this doesn’t mean every employee will stick around for life. When it’s time to part ways, an exit interview survey will identify the reasons why an employee left and develop insight into what the company can do to prevent others from leaving.

Customer satisfaction

Employee retention is crucial, but so too is customer retention. It’s much easier to nurture current customers into becoming repeat buyers than it is to find new ones. Well-designed survey methodology can help a business retain customers. Therefore, customer satisfaction surveys should be used to find out what it will take to keep customers happy and coming back for more.

Brand awareness

Are people aware that your brand exists? Find out by using brand awareness surveys. Discover what the public thinks of your brand and how this compares to industry rivals. Such insights help companies stay ahead of competitors and enhance brand awareness.

Event evaluation

How well did that event go? Using an evaluation survey will give planners insight into which aspects of their function went well and what they need to do to make future events better.

If you want precise information about any of the topics listed above, survey research is the best way to get it—and an online survey is the easiest kind to carry out. There are also several other reasons why survey research methodology might be the most appropriate one.

Why is a survey a good research method?

Surveys are the right approach to research to:

Collect quantitative data

The purpose of survey research is to understand a large group by using statistical analysis to make generalizations. Quantitative data is a value of data that answers questions regarding “How?”

For example, the main questions in your survey will ask “How often?” “How many?” or “How much?” Each set will have a numerical value associated with it that will enable drawing generalizations. For example, 60 percent of survey respondents reported they would buy a product from a company again. With questions about “how” they would like to do so, a survey helps collect the data needed to make subsequent purchases more likely.

Understand a larger population

Surveys are also the most appropriate method of research when there is a need to understand a large population quickly. Not only is it most convenient to send a large group an online survey, but it also provides more accurate results than a survey canvassing a smaller population. The larger the population sampled, the less likely there will be outliers that can create biased conclusions. The smaller the sample size, the larger the margin of error potentially encountered. Conducting survey research is only effective for drawing conclusions from large populations.

Draw insight from a specific group

When selling a product, it is imperative to know exactly who the target market is. If a survey isn’t directed to that target audience, questions won’t relate to them; needed insights will be absent. Surveys are the most suitable method of research if you want to draw insight from a specific group within a target audience.

Before creating a survey, make a list of demographic requirements that respondents will need to meet. If you want to understand how different demographic groups answer similar questions, create a survey using question branching to lead respondents down a desired inquiry path. For example, to collect results based on demographics, the first question should be about the respondent’s age group.

Draw generalized conclusions fast

If there’s a burning question needed to be answered quickly, there’s no time to make phone calls or arrange for an in-person focus group. Online surveys are the most appropriate method in such cases. As long as there is a clear goal for the survey and a process to analyze the data, such a survey will provide needed answers in short order. Sending a brief survey can prevent choices from being second-guessed and help more confident business decisions to be made.

Ask few to no open-ended questions

If there is little need for open-ended answers, then a survey is the best method of research. The more open-ended questions a survey contains, the less likely respondents will be to complete it. Plus, it takes more time to analyze results.

If any open-ended questions are required, then consider limiting them to two or three at most. Although open-ended questions are a good way to gather additional insight into a particular topic, they’re more cumbersome for participants to answer. Instead, consider asking more specific multiple-choice questions to get answers without taking as much of your respondents’ time.

Make your audience feel special

Not only are online surveys a good research method for collecting market insight, but they also provide a great opportunity to make an audience feel special. When a company reaches out to a customer—and specifically indicates why their opinion is important—it makes them feel special. When customers feel like they have a voice, and that it makes an actual impact, they feel more inclined to fill out future surveys. When sending the survey, make sure to include a snippet about how responses will be used. This small act can help engage an audience and increase the number of responses.

Save money

The last reason a survey might be the most appropriate method of research is when working with a tight budget. An online survey platform like SurveyPlanet allows for the creation and sending of an unlimited number of surveys—entirely for free! This means you don’t have to pay anything to collect needed insights. Even with an upgrade to a pro account, which offers additional features, it’s still more cost-effective to send an online survey than to conduct in-person focus groups or experiments.

If you’re searching for a cost-efficient, fast, and effective way to complete research, an online survey is the perfect research method. Sign up for an account with SurveyPlanet today to create your first online survey.

Photo by Helloquence on Unsplash