Designing surveys for mobile phones: Best practices and considerations

In today’s digital age, mobile phones have become integral to our daily lives. With the increasing penetration of smartphones globally, more people are using their mobile devices for various tasks, including participating in surveys. Designing surveys for mobile phones presents unique challenges and opportunities. This article explores the best practices to ensure that mobile surveys are practical, engaging, and yield high-quality data.

The importance of designing surveys for mobile phones

Properly designing surveys for mobile phones is significant for several reasons, each of which contributes to the overall effectiveness of data collection and decision-making processes:

  1. Increasing mobile usage: With the widespread adoption of smartphones, more people are accessing the internet and participating in online activities via mobile devices. Designing surveys that are optimized for mobile ensures accessibility and engagement with this growing audience.
  2. Higher participation rates: Studies have shown that people are more likely to respond to surveys on their mobile phones due to convenience and accessibility. By catering to mobile users, participation rates can be boosted and more comprehensive data collected.
  3. Improved user experience: Mobile users have different expectations and behavior patterns compared to desktop users. Crafting surveys with mobile users in mind guarantees a smooth and user-friendly experience, which will result in increased completion rates and higher-quality responses.
  4. Broader reach: Mobile surveys enable contacting a more comprehensive and diverse audience, including individuals who may not have access to desktop computers or who prefer using mobile devices for online activities.
  5. Real-time feedback: Mobile surveys allow for real-time data collection, enabling the gathering of feedback and insights from respondents while they are on the go. This timeliness can be crucial for making informed decisions and responding quickly to changing circumstances.

Understanding the mobile landscape

Mobile phones, particularly smartphones, offer a unique platform for conducting surveys. They provide the convenience of access at any time and anywhere, which can significantly boost response rates. However, designing surveys for mobile devices requires a different approach than traditional online surveys designed for desktops or laptops.

Read our article Seven tips for an exceptional survey design to explore survey design best practices.

  1. Global smartphone penetration: As of 2023, there are over 6.5 billion smartphone users worldwide. This widespread adoption underscores the potential of mobile surveys to reach a broad audience.
  2. Mobile internet usage: With mobile phones now the primary device for internet usage, surpassing even desktops, optimizing surveys for mobile platforms has become imperative.
  3. Survey participation: Studies show that survey participation rates are higher on mobile devices due to the convenience they offer. However, this also means that surveys need to be designed for quick and easy completion.

Best practices for designing mobile surveys

1. Mobile-first design

Adopt a mobile-first design approach and design surveys with mobile users as the primary audience. Ensure that the survey is fully functional and user-friendly on mobile devices before adapting it for desktops or tablets.

  • Responsive design: Use responsive web design methods to be sure a survey adapts to different screen sizes and orientations. This improves the user experience on various devices, including smartphones and tablets.
  • Touch-friendly elements: Design touch-friendly survey elements. Buttons, checkboxes, and other interactive components should be large enough to be easily tapped with a finger.

2. Simplify survey structure

Due to the smaller screen size of mobile devices and users’ tendency to multitask while on them, mobile surveys need to be concise and straightforward.

  • Limit the number of questions: To reduce respondent fatigue, keep the survey short. Aim for no more than 10-15 questions.
  • Question types: Use question types that are easy to answer on a mobile device, such as multiple-choice, dropdowns, and sliders. Avoid open-ended questions that require extensive typing.
  • One question per screen: Display one question per screen to avoid overwhelming respondents. This also makes it easier for them to focus on and answer each question.

3. Optimize for load speed

Mobile users are often on the go and may not have access to fast internet connections. Therefore, optimizing a survey for quick loading is crucial.

  • Lightweight design: Avoid heavy graphics, large images, and unnecessary animations. Use compressed images and streamlined code to ensure fast loading times.
  • Minimal redirects: Limit the number of redirects and external calls in a survey. Each redirect increases the time it takes for the survey to load.

4. Ensure accessibility

A survey should be accessible to as many users as possible, including those with disabilities.

  • Screen reader compatibility: Ensure a survey works well with screen readers. Use appropriate HTML tags and ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) landmarks to improve accessibility.
  • Color contrast and font size: To make the survey easy to read for all users, use high-contrast color schemes and readable font sizes.

5. Pre-test surveys

Before launching a survey, conduct thorough testing to identify and fix any issues.

  • Usability testing: Trial run the survey on multiple devices (iPhones, Android phones, tablets) and browsers to ensure compatibility and usability.
  • Pilot testing: Perform a pilot sampling with a small group of users to solicit feedback on a survey’s clarity, usability, and to identify any potential issues.

Considerations for different mobile platforms

iOS (iPhone)

  • Safari browser optimization: Most iPhone users use Safari. Ensure surveys are optimized for it and its features are supported.
  • Apple’s Human Interface Guidelines (HIG): Adhere to Apple’s design principles, such as intuitive navigation and consistent user interface (UI) elements, to create a seamless user experience.


  • Device Fragmentation: Test surveys on various Android devices to account for screen size differences, resolution, and performance capabilities.
  • Google’s Material Design: Follow Google’s Material Design guidelines to ensure a consistent and user-friendly interface across different Android devices.

Advanced tips to enhance engagement

1. Use progress indicators

Progress indicators show respondents how much of the survey they have completed and how much is left. This can reduce abandonment rates by providing a sense of progress and accomplishment.

2. Incorporate visual and interactive elements

  • Images and icons: Use photos and icons to make the survey more engaging. For example, use icons for multiple-choice options instead of plain text.
  • Interactive elements: Incorporate interactive features like sliders or star ratings to make the survey more engaging.

3 Personalize the survey experience

Personalization can enhance engagement by making the survey feel more relevant to the respondent.

  • Personalized questions: Use logic to tailor questions based on previous answers. This makes the survey more relevant and engaging for each respondent.
  • Custom greetings: Address respondents by their name (if known) and use personalized greetings to make the survey experience more friendly.

4. Offer Incentives

Incentives can boost response rates by providing a tangible reward for completing the survey.

  • Freebies: Offer small gift cards or discounts as a reward for completing the survey.
  • Prize Draws: Enter respondents into a contest for a chance to win a larger prize.

5. Ensure data security and privacy

Mobile users are often concerned about protecting themselves. Address these concerns by building trust to encourage participation.

  • Secure data transmission: Use HTTPS to encrypt data transmission and protect respondents’ information.
  • Clear privacy policy: Provide a concise explanation of how respondents’ data will be used and protected.

Final notes on designing surveys for mobile phones

Designing surveys for mobile phones requires careful consideration of the unique characteristics of mobile devices and user behavior. By adopting a mobile-first design approach, simplifying the survey structure, optimizing for load speed, ensuring accessibility, and pre-testing a survey, you can create a seamless and engaging experience for respondents.

Additionally, considering platform-specific guidelines for iOS and Android, incorporating advanced engagement strategies, and ensuring data security can further enhance the effectiveness of mobile surveys.

With these best practices and considerations in mind, better utilize the potential of mobile devices to gather valuable insights.

Whether conducting a survey for iPhone users or general smartphone users or targeting participants through online mobile surveys, the key is to design with the user experience at the forefront. By following this advice, you can maximize response rates and ensure the success of mobile survey efforts.

Design online mobile surveys with SurveyPlanet

Ready to take your surveys to the next level? With SurveyPlanet, easily create mobile-friendly surveys that engage an audience. Our intuitive platform is designed with mobile users in mind! Start creating mobile surveys today and see the difference. Get started with SurveyPlanet and unlock the full potential of data collection efforts.

Design mobile-friendly surveys with SurveyPlanet and maximize response rates today.