Conducting a social media usage survey: Examining trends and habits through survey data

Conducting a social media usage survey provides valuable insight into how people engage with these platforms, helping to inform strategic decision-making and facilitate targeted communication. In the ever-evolving social media landscape, understanding user behavior, trends, and preferences is crucial for businesses, marketers, and researchers.

With this blog, we will explore the process of conducting a social media usage survey, along with examples of survey questions that will lead to the gathering of comprehensive data.

Step 1: Defining objectives and target audience

Before designing a survey, clearly define the objectives that need to be achieved. What are you interested in understanding? The frequency of usage, preferred platforms, content preferences, or impact on mental well-being? To ensure a representative sample, after objectives have been clarified then identify the target audience using factors such as age, location, and social background.

Step 2: Designing a social media usage questionnaire

Crafting a well-designed social media usage questionnaire is crucial for gathering accurate and meaningful data.

Below are some example questions that will provide insights into different aspects of social media usage. Remember to tailor questions so that they align with specific objectives and the target audience. A well-crafted survey questionnaire will provide valuable insights into the nuances of social media usage and user perceptions, which will drive informed decisions and optimized social media strategies.

Frequency and duration

Such questions aim to understand how frequently individuals use social media, along with the average amount of time they spend on these platforms daily. These questions can be used for social media addiction surveys as well.

  • How frequently do you use social media platforms? (Multiple-choice: Daily, Several times a week, Once a week, Rarely, Never)
  • On average, how many hours do you spend on social media daily?

Preferred platforms

These questions explore the social media platforms participants use regularly and which ones they consider their primary ones.

  • Which social media platforms do you use regularly? (Multiple-choice: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, Other)
  • Which platform do you consider your primary social media platform?

Reasons for usage

These questions delve into the motivations behind social media usage, such as staying connected with friends and family, seeking entertainment, staying informed, or networking.

  • What are the main reasons you use social media? (Multiple-choice: Staying connected with friends and family, Entertainment, Staying informed about current events, Networking, Promoting my business/brand, Other)

Survey on social media and mental health

These questions investigate participants’ perceptions of how social media influences their mental well-being, whether it is positive, negative, or neutral, and whether excessive usage has led to feelings of being overwhelmed or stressed.

  • Do you feel that social media positively or negatively impacts your mental well-being? (Multiple-choice: Valuable, Negative, Neutral)
  • Have you ever felt overwhelmed or stressed due to social media usage? (Yes/No)

Conduct a separate survey on social media and mental health by using some of our mental health survey templates and examples.

Content preferences

These questions aim to identify the types of content that participants engage with most often, such as text-based posts, images, videos, memes, and infographics, as well as the types of accounts they follow.

  • What type of content do you engage with the most on social media? (Multiple-choice: Text-based posts, Images, Videos, Memes, Infographics, Other)
  • Which types of accounts do you follow the most? (Multiple-choice: Friends and family, Celebrities, News organizations, Influencers, Brands, Other)

Privacy and security

These questions assess participants’ concerns about privacy and security, their experiences with privacy or security issues, and the level of importance they place on these concerns.

  • How concerned are you about your privacy and security on social media platforms? (Scale: Very concerned, Somewhat concerned, Neutral, Not very concerned, Not at all concerned)
  • Have you ever experienced a privacy or security issue on a social media platform? (Yes/No)

Advertising and sponsored content

These questions explore participants’ attitudes towards advertisements and sponsored content, including their tolerance or annoyance with such content, its usefulness, and whether they have made purchases based on it.

  • How do you feel about advertisements and sponsored content on social media? (Multiple-choice: I find them useful and relevant, I tolerate them but ignore them, I find them annoying and intrusive, I don’t mind them)
  • Have you ever purchased based on an advertisement or sponsored content on social media? (Yes/No)

Social media influencers

These questions investigate whether participants follow social media influencers and, if so, what qualities or characteristics they look for in the influencers they choose to follow.

  • Do you follow social media influencers? (Yes/No)
  • What qualities or characteristics do you look for in a social media influencer? (Open-ended)

Social media usage and productivity

These questions examine the relationship between social media usage and productivity, including whether participants feel their time is negatively affected and if they implement strategies to manage social media usage.

  • Have you ever felt that social media usage has negatively impacted your productivity? (Yes/No)
  • Do you set time limits or use productivity apps to manage your social media usage? (Yes/No)

Online harassment and cyberbullying

These questions inquire about experiences or observations of online harassment and cyberbullying and perceptions about the effectiveness of platforms in addressing these issues.

  • Have you ever experienced or witnessed online harassment or cyberbullying on social media? (Yes/No)
  • Do you feel that social media platforms effectively address and combat online harassment and cyberbullying? (Scale: Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly disagree)

Social media and news consumption

These questions explore participants’ reliance on social media as a primary source for news and respondents’ fact-checking habits before sharing news articles or information on social media.

  • Do you use social media as a primary source for news and current events? (Yes/No)
  • How often do you fact-check news articles or information before sharing them on social media? (Multiple-choice: Always, Sometimes, Rarely, Never)

Social media and FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)

These questions assess participants’ experiences with FOMO and perceptions of whether social media exacerbates feelings of FOMO.

  • Have you ever experienced FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) while using social media? (Yes/No)
  • Do you feel that social media exacerbates feelings of FOMO? (Scale: Strongly agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree, Strongly disagree)

Step 3: Administering a social media usage survey

Choose an appropriate platform or survey tool to administer your questionnaire. Online survey platforms like Google Forms, SurveyMonkey, or Qualtrics offer user-friendly interfaces for designing and distributing surveys that can be shared through social media, email, or targeting online communities to reach the desired audience.

Step 4: Analyzing and interpreting data

Once a sufficient number of responses have been collected, it’s time to analyze the data. Use statistical tools or data analysis software to uncover patterns, trends, and correlations. Consider both quantitative data (such as percentages, averages, and rankings) and qualitative data (such as responses to open-ended questions) to gain comprehensive understanding.

There are plenty of resources on our blog to guide you through this process of analyzing and interpreting data. Here are just a few of them:

Step 5: Gaining insight and taking action

Based on the survey findings, draw meaningful insights that align with your objectives. Identify key trends, preferences, and pain points among social media users. These insights can inform marketing strategies, content creation, platform selection, and approaches to user engagement. Consider the implications for improving the user experience, how to tailor messaging, or ways to address mental health concerns associated with social media usage.

Create a social media usage survey with SurveyPlanet

Conducting a social media usage survey provides valuable insights into user behavior, preferences, and the impact of these platforms on individuals’ lives. By defining clear objectives, designing a comprehensive questionnaire, and collecting and analyzing data, businesses, marketers, and researchers can make informed decisions, enhance engagement strategies, and ensure a positive social media experience for users.

Remember, survey results are only as valuable as the actions taken based on them. Use insights gained to adapt social media strategies, create meaningful content, and foster an environment that promotes well-being and connectivity. With the right approach, a social media usage survey can be a powerful tool for understanding and harnessing the potential of these digital platforms.

Create a social media usage survey with SurveyPlanet by using our templates and examples and our pre-written questions and designs. Explore pro and enterprise options for the best experience and endless features to explore.

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash